Saturday 1 December 2007

British PM

I have a secret confession to make. (Well, all confessions are secret, aren't they?)
Just 30 minutes ago, I just realized there had been a NEW British PM since June 27 this year. Five months ago. Now, not that Gordon Brown is not anything special to me nor British politics is my cup of tea. But a new PM for UK and it must have been some news.
So, the sinful truth is - I haven't not been paying attention in ANY current affairs for the past five months.
Well, Gordon Brown is someone quite special.... now that I have read up a little bit about him.
GB and I do share a few things in common....
He studied at U of Edinburgh and so did I.
He is Labour. Well, I am not but I have been kind of pro-Labour.
He is presbyterian (his father was a C of Scotland clergyman). I have presbyterian roots (having been raised in a church with Reformed background).
He has lost the sight in one eye and retained just 30% of his vision in the other. My left eye has amblyopia.
He was anti-apartheid. So was I.

So I have shared about something about GB and also about myself. And, for my penance, I will read and the Guardian online.

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