Students, please listen to what I have to say:
“Seek your ADVENTURE!” not just on Day A.
Think outside the BOX! That means be creative!
From Day B onwards, be innovative!
C is for COURAGE and there is no more fear!
Follow your CONVICTIONS that you hold dear.
Let’s say: “I can DO it! You just wait and see!”
That’s faith in yourself, starting from Day D.
Manage your time wisely! Why not make a plan?
So NO more EXCUSES – I know you can!
I trust everything will be FINE and okay.
So try your best: “Your FUTURE starts today!”
No quitting in this school – O certainly not!
Never GIVE up but GIVE it all you’ve GOT!
GOD will GIVE you strength and bless SJSS.
Your teachers love you – expect nothing less.